Banda Machos pa no recordarte

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To Not Remember You
Too much love, too many kisses
For you to leave there are many memories
So much dawn always the two of us together
So that today you can calmly say goodbye to me
Too much love, too many kisses
If you swore to me eternal love, you've already forgotten how bad I was dying
Now of your love, I'm just history
You can't go and leave me like this, I taught ±me forget
And you can leave, Tell me how I stop thinking about you
Tell me how to do, so as not to remember you
(How do I do it? How do I do it? And it goes on , and it continues maguey)
Too much love, too many kisses
For you to leave there are many memories
So many dawns always the two of us together
So that today you calmly say goodbye to me
Too much love, too many kisses
If you swore eternal love to me, you've already forgotten how bad I was dying
Now of your love, I'm just history
You can't go away and leave me like this, Teach me to forget
And you can leave, Tell me how I stop thinking about you
Tell me how to do, so I don't remember you