Barrier moment of clarity

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Suspended in endless time
This dormant serpent lies coiled within me
Trying to feel its way out of this stasis
But where to begin?
There has to be a purpose
There has to be a point to all of this
The patterns run too deep
The voices won't let me sleep
I see the edges of the tunnel that's restricted my vision
Slowly coming into focus
My adopted, limiting thoughts
Begin to fade into oblivion
Who is the witness to these thoughts I call my own?
Where is the substance to this life that I've been shown?
Reach through the veil, I can feel you watching
Expose the truth surrounding me
Synapses reconstructing,
I internalize reality
I've discovered the key
I'm overcome by a familiar warmth
As suddenly it all makes sense
I feel why I'm alive
How blind I've been to purpose
(Through soulless eyes)
While Mother's been here all along
Her beauty, her perfection
How far we have strayed
(How far we've strayed away)
I hear The Way, I know The Way
We are the only way