Bent Denim good night s sleep

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it was a green morning
you told me in a cab
you fucked me in mourning
just like that dream i'd already had
i was a father
for a few weeks
but you wouldn't let me
i was just your fodder
for a good night sleep
Im stuck in daydreams and sex dreams
and reality i cant keep straight
like you saying you wanted
2 ½ kids with a white picket fence
my erratic heart rate has started to inflate
and i don't know when it will stop
in this cab i'm aware of the blood in my ears
but its been there all these years
i was a father
for a few weeks
but you wouldn't let me
i was just your fodder
for a good night sleep
and when i think of those booze filled brunches
the sour aftertaste of your lipstick on my face
i think how kids mostly hate me
and how i wont make that much money