Bianca Rossini no silncio da noite

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English lyrics:
In the silence of the night
I called your name
I slipped my kiss
On your body in the shadow
In the silence I await your steps
On the edge
Of the stream that still sings your name
The night hides my dear
But I don't give up
Waiting for you
I know that one day we will be together
br/>In the silence of the night
Me, you hugged
In the silence of the night
I, you, no one else
English translation:
In the silence of the night
I called your name
My kiss gliding
Over your body in the shadow
In the silence I wait for your footsteps
By the edge
Of the creek that still sings your name
The night hides my love
But I don't give up
Waiting for you
I know that one day we will be together< br/>In the silence of the night
You, and I embraced
In the silence of the night
You and I and nobody else