Billy Ze Kick Et Les Gamins En Folies jean mich much

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Hi Jean-Mich Much
We didn't know what to do
For your birthday
So we made a little song
It's good and it's not expensive
Your first quarter of a century, admit it, was
What did you do on your birthday?
You had your day again ©e to hang around
Can the homeland really
Count on you
To ensure its glorious future
Oh no! No! No ! no no no no!
Hi Jean-Mich Muchâ¦
It's good and it's not tiring
It's not that you're a big Bennais
But you have all the traits
Despite the fact that you are cyclotymic
And completely full of tics
We don't blame you for that much
Because fortunately your friends are
Intellectuals thank you
And can raise the level of the saddle
Of course
Hi Jean-Mich Muchâ¦
It's good and that keeps us busy
br/>Beneath your appearance as a kind host
We know well that within you lies a
Great polytechnician
Who every evening looks into the mysterious
Question of space time
Have you finally succeeded in building the machine
To go back in time
To gain a few years, recover
A few neurons
That you left in alcohol, drugs
And lust
All that time spent on your couch
In the sun counting flies,
A the shadow of your weed foot
Hello Jean-Mich Muchâ¦
It's good and it passes the time
And now here comes the big one
Who will talk to you
Here's one last piece of advice for you
Jean Craoud Much
The great vigilante of the ZUP
When you leave the saloon bar
Don't forget never your little wool and
Your gray-gray
For the great Encraoudeur Relou El Belou
Hovering above you
And only waiting for a moment of weakness
To send you straight to the Land of
Cursed! Damn ! Cursed!
Goodbye Jean-Mich Much
We didn't know what to do anymore
For your birthday
So we killed you quickly
It's good for business