Black Francis the water

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I hope they're doin' okay
I left my wife and kids back in L.A.
I was no good at playing house
So I started heading south
A busboy said, You best keep away from the water
La Barra Zona Rosa was my home
Some guys they never heard the phrase 'When in Rome'
Well, she knifed that stupid sailor
Now he's gonna need a tailor
For his very special day away on the water
I thought it would be very nice
To go downtown and see the bullfight
But the beast had not a chance
When I saw the lance
I heard the sound of a Volkswagen
They tied his body to the bumper and started draggin'
I saw the blood separate away
From the water
I hope they're doin' okay
I left my wife and kids back in L.A.
I was no good at killing
So I started up gin milling
And I still just keep away from the water
I was no good at killing
So I started up gin milling
And I still just keep away to this day from the water