Black Mount Rise feat. Anette Olzon apart astray

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The Light goes out
As the curtain falls
God, I know this show is about to end
Those profound words
All gone unheard
And we're down that road
This time, we get lost
On the way
To our dreams
It's time
We we're off
To find the way back home
Like a broken tree
It seem to me
We're unfit to bear the weight alone
When it's pressing down
On our hearts and souls
Don't you think maybe...
This time we got lost
On the way to our dreams
It's time we were off
To find the way back home
Do you feel the rain?
The Light goes out
As the curtain falls
Don't you think maybe...
This time we got lost
On the way to our dreams
It's time we were off
To find the way back home
This time we got lost
On the way to our dreams
It's time we were off
To find the way back home.