Black Project unser sven

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He comes from Schneeberg and he drives a VW
When you see it your eyes hurt
But he drives around in it
And everyone thinks he's stupid
Yes, for being so stupid
He's sitting behind the wheel and listening to Onkelz on CD
He looks good and thinks fat women are beautiful
And he's picking them all up
He has Coal not too short
Yes not too short
That's our toad and who could be otherwise?
Because no other boy behaves so much like a pig
He's wearing an Uncle's sweater but it's much too small for him
You know it can only be the toad
He makes it to the fencer and he's very popular there
Because There isn't a big idiot other than him
He gets food for everyone
Beer and magazines with naked women
And he always works diligently during training
Is always the fastest, yes the toad is fit
And with every long sprint you know beforehand who will win
Yes who will win