Blake Bolerjack moses

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Oh Moses
Way back there in the wilderness
Saw some smoke
Came to the bush
And the bush was burning
God said, “Take off your shoes Moses. For you're
on Holy Ground. Moses, I've chosen you to be my
man. Moses, over there in Egypt land. Moses, I've
chose you to work for me. Moses, I've chosen you
to set my people free.”
“Not me Lord. Don't you know I can't talk so good?
I stutter all the time. Do you know my brother
Aaron? Well, he can sing like an angel, talk like a
preacher. Not me Lord I can't talk so good. And
another thing, how will they know that I've been
here with you? How will they know what you sent
me to do? Don't you know in Egypt Lord they want
little Moses' head? Don't you know in Egypt Lord
they want little Moses dead? Don't you know they'll
never hear a single word I say? Maybe you better
get your dirty work done another way. Not me
What's that in your hand, Moses?
It's just a rod.
Well, throw it down, Moses.
Do you mean like on the ground.
Yes, I said throw it down Moses.
Lord don't take this rod away from me. Don't you
know that it's my only security? Don't you know that
when you lived here all alone, a man's got to have
something that he can call his own, oh please
Throw it down Moses
But but but Lord I—
Throw it down Moses
Throw it down Moses
Moses threw the rod on the ground and the rod
became a hissing snake. Well, Moses started
running. I bet you'd run. I know I'd run. He was
running from a hot rod, yeah. Running from a
hissing snake. Running scared of what God's
gonna do. Running scared he'll get a hold of you.
And the Lord said “Stop” and “pick it up Moses by
the tail. Lord, you have not lived here very long
now. Lord, I believe you go this whole thing wrong.
Don't you know that you never pick up a hissing
snake by its….Pick it up, Moses.
Oh God, it's a rod again.
It's a rod again.
It's a rod again.
Do you know what it means, Moses? Do you know
what I am trying to say, Moses? The rod Moses,
well you know, it became the rod of God. And
with the rod of God…strike the rock…more water
will come. With the rod of God you can part the
waters of the sea. With the rod of God you can
strike old pharaoh dead. And with the rod, Moses,
you can set my people free.
So what do you hold in your hand today. To what
or to whom are you bound? Are you willing to give
it…give it to God right now? Give it up. Let it go.
Throw it down. Throw it down