Blue Rising i

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I could grow, but I'm stone
I could change, but I prefer to stay
Stay calloused and stay stone
Wait…It's time to break me.
It's time I grow to break stone
It's time I change or run away
Liquefy to break stone
Oh…here comes the remedy
Always debating, always creating my mind
So much I can't see
Torn from the shades of gray that I'm made of called I
It's time to break free
From this emotion and all this commotion inside
It's time that I be
Something more than all these crisses and crosses called
All these thoughts in my head
I feel alive but deep inside I'm dead
Selfishly do I see
Wait…It's time to break me
It's time I grow to break stone
It's time I change or run away
Liquefy to break stone
Oh…here comes the remedy
Always debating, always creating my mind
So much I can't see
Torn from the shades of gray that I'm made of called I
It's time to break free
From this emotion and all this commotion inside
It's time that I be
Something more than all these crisses and crosses called