Bortharm feat. Cara Hughes breathin feat cara hughes

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Runnin' down your lies
While you find the truth
Tryin' to find yourself
But you don't want to lose
Trust in pleasure
And so confused
Best things happen
When you don't want them to
I know you will see this through
Don't confide in people
Who just want you to lose your mind
I love you...? breathing
I love you...? breathing
I love you...? breathing
See the girl dripping through your eyes
One look around and you don't find...? me
I don't warn you to ...?
I love you
And talk is over rated
I love you
And talk is over rated
I love you
And talk is over rated
I love you
And talk is over rated
I love you
And talk's over rated
I love you
And talk's over rated
I love you
And talk's over rated
I love you
And talk's over rated