Carmen Consoli masino

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Album: L'ECCEZIONE (2002)
Masinu picked the cherry,
âĂĂĂ˜take care that you slipâĂĂĂ,
was going to stay.
He thought better than me
I saw him a little. lâḍဃဃမavvuru, alleggiauâḈကḈ
âḈဃဃ˜If he sat down and the ladder didn’t hold,
descend Masinu of lâḈကკavvuru, alleggiuâḈကზ
The living room, dressed in snow,
br/>under the peak of the sun he was squinting: “Masinu take care if you fall.” He thought:
âზကნამალიმებილისავაავავავავავავავავავავავავავავა. . br/>scinni Masinu di lâḈက჈ᙃavvuru, alleggiauâḈဃნ
âḈကზ He got down and the ladder didn't hold,
scinni Masinu di lâḈက჈ᙙavvuru, alleggiuâḈကზ
Between the small to stay
and while it was badly placed,
the ladder broke, (the ladder broke)
but he stopped hanging
where the beautiful
cherry came to earth.
The beautiful Russian cherry and two.