Carve amongst the ruins

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Entrenched awaiting the end
drowned in cascades of blood
what once was human now smeared on the bunker walls
clinging to life by a thread
trying to maintain a shred of sanity
soon all this will fade but will you be there to embrace life?
Amongst the ruins
dire shapes of human waste
the dead awaiting the day of redemption
The urge to survive increases
the fear to die as the others arise
succumb to your instincts, kill to live, live to kill
Entrenched awaiting the end
drowned in cascades of blood
what once was human now smeared on the bunker walls
Help is not far away and death be it's name
it's bullets' has your name engraved
serving war until the last second comes
then all you will serve as is mortar food
To die another day the only thought inside your mind
to not bleed away into another carcass
Amongst the ruins
dire shapes of human waste
the dead awaiting the day of redemption