Cast Recording reputation stain d

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Will I see you later?
Yeah, I think so
Try again.
Yes, you'll see me later
Okay, I won't ask when
But I'm free tonight, just so you know
Where were you last night?
I waited up...
I crashed at Ivy's
Oh really?
Ok, people, let's get amateur night started.
Peter you have been staring at me all day.
Now, I love you to pieces, honey, but I'm off the market.
Places for the fight scene!
Romeo the love I bear thee can't afford
No better term than this, thou art a villain
Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee
Doth much excuse the appertaining rage to such a greeting
Villain I am none, farewell
I see thou knowst me not
Calm dishonorable, vile submission
Gentle Mercutio, put thy rapier up
Ivy, run the next scene- oh, and Nadia, an answer to your question.
At no point does the nurse slap Juliet.
Alack the day, he's gone, he's killed, he's dead
Can heaven be so envious? Hath Romeo slain himself?
Courage, man, the hurt can not be much
Why the devil came you between us?
I was slain under your arm
Shame come to Romeo
Blistered be thy tongue for such a wish
He was not born to shame
I thought for all the best
Oh what a beast was I to chide at him
I just really think there's a slap there...
Alive in triumph, and Mercutio slain
What'd you call me?
Hey you two! Where do you think you are? Public school? Everybody out!
What was that about?
I don't know...
Well, listen, I had the craziest dream or- vision last night!
I saw the virgin Mary and she was black, and she had these... angels who were her backup singers.
And anyway, she told that I needed to tell my mother about us, so- what are you doing for spring break?
Right... let's go. We're gonna be late for class.
Jason, stop, listen to me.
What? You're kidding, right?
No. I need to tell her, I need her to know.
And I need you there when I do it.
Yeah, yeah, let's tell your mother.
So she can call my mother who'll immediately tell my dad,
and the two of them can rush down here to conference with Father.
Then, maybe, I can ask Notre Dame for a leave of absence
while I deal with a sexual identity crisis!
Or maybe... maybe my dad will just beat the shit out of me and then disown me.
Smart money says that's his first move! Sure, yeah, let's tell her, when do we leave?
Jason, I can't deal with this anymore! I mean, you're all I have, don't you get that?
And, I have to talk about it... I almost told the priest in confession the other day.
You what? Are you out of your mind?
Jason, maybe this doesn't have to be such an issue.
Look, in three months, we'll be out of here where it won't be a problem.
No, Peter, this is always gonna be a problem!
What are you saying?
JASON: This... us... whatever... it needs to stop.