Catcat kuiskaus

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Lies remain on the surface
the rest sinks to the bottom
wounds shine in the night
the end of the dream is
the word tactless
crush fragile dreams
you just catch the ice
You will never come back
I sit under the empty sky
night thinks silently
with the guilty
everyone memory is only a gate
which conscience closes
you will never return
never again
Time passes no
in the night
br/>the lie of the past
over and over again
I have to go back to yesterday
forward doesn't take time
the ropes are stuck in the ice
You won't come back anymore never
I sit under the empty sky
night thinks silently
with the culprit
every memory is a gate only
which conscience closes
you will not return again ¤ never
never again
No forward time takes
I don't want to remember the kiss
I don't give a call to you
everything only a whisper took away
forgetting longing didn't allow
memories got stuck in those days
höky hit the rocks
clap... fell whispering
You're not coming back anymore never
I sit under the empty sky
night thinks silently
with the culprit
every memory is a gate only
which conscience closes
you don't come back ¤ never
never again