Cattivi Pensieri stupido amore

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Bad Thoughts
Bad Thoughts
Stupid Love
I can't sleep
I have so many things to say
and I come close to you
love I come close
I don't always stay by your side
because then dawn comes
You will love me until
I know you're tired
we could talk
but you want to rest
you are an important thing
not like those other paper models
But I'm ashamed if I then think that
I still want you...
We could also find a meeting point
but you don't take into account that I've given up a bit
he who is involved less has a subtle power
the other gets tired later
br/>it's not good if you tell me that
what I want isn't there... I want you
what's the point of being together if
everyone thinks for themselves
How stupid you are love
I'm angry with you
you don't deserve anything
you think for yourself
for a useless love
after it's not there I'll learn to being in the world even without you...
My love is stronger, it opens all doors
yours gets lost along the way
and you can no longer keep it at bay, you hide it to friends
Who knows what you tell them
I at least hope it's worth it... don't you know
That I don't care if you tell me that
what I want isn't there... . now that
you don't know what I feel
when I'm with you...
How stupid you are love...