Charlie Dee ten thousand times duet met huub van der lubbe

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My love
Our world is now far away
From what I feel is good
What I feel is true
And I gazed away
I am ashamed
But I do say
My love
There's not a lot left to say
We had better times than this
And so much love to give
But I turned away
I am afraid
But I do say
Cause you broke my heart
Ten thousand times
With little loves
And little lies
And too much to cry
You broke my heart
Ten thousand times
With little loves
And little lies
And too much to cry about
My love
I haven't been honest with you
And I hope you can forgive me
I hope you can see
That I lost it all
I was petrified
But I do say
Oh I do say
Cause you broke my heart
Ten thousand times
With little loves
And little lies
And too much to cry about
You broke my heart
Ten thousand times
With little loves
And little lies
And too much to cry about