Checco Zalone telefonata impossibile reremix non ci sta chu na tacc

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Spoken part.
Hello? Hi Stefania... Checco
Hey sorry about yesterday
And then the battery ran out
Me? I'm coming back from a wedding
In Ferrandino province of Lucania it must be....
Look... the wedding was beautiful
We had fun... some laughter that made Stefà....
Uncle of the bride he practically got drunk
And he put his hand ngopp o'mazz on a little girl who was there
Then her boyfriend arrived
He took a blow and gave curtill
Look at the laughs we had Stefà...
No nothing... then the usual killjoys arrived
The carabinieri
Sorry Stefà.. but I'll say it
/>Without making controversy
But we live in 2006
The blow and curtiell at a wedding are there!!!
Why do you have to ruin the most beautiful day
In the life of a person
Eh... listen.. anyway, let's change the subject...
I'll be arriving this evening around 8 - 8.30
If we meet....< br/>Ah, shall we meet? finally!
So... I have a FUCHSIA AUDI
With the rims...
Stefani? I can hear you...
Stefà! Stefaniaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was the last notch
Now we're not here anymore
I'm where I stick to
Images a bit like you
We're all poor people here
And no harm at the reception
That's discrimination
We don't put anyone here
President Berluscone
And give us a tacca it's who!!!!