Chicago Soundtrack ik en m n baby

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Chicago Soundtrack
Me And My Baby
Here's my baby and me.
Me and my baby, my baby and me.
/>We are breakable, and that gives a kick.
Damage may strike, but not this time.
Baby is now growing undisturbed in here, so what more could you want.
A Baby gives you joy, you can see that immediately.
Me and my baby are completely one.
I can't believe how I'm doing it again.
Because I have a baby,< br/>a cute baby,
Here is my baby and me.
How can you delay the trial any longer, Mr. Flynn?
My readers will never accept that.
Her child is not born in a cell!
She will be tried as soon as possible, I assure you.
Put that in the newspaper.
Hello. I'm the father! I'm the father!
Yuk! Yuk! Yuk! Yuk!
Me and my baby, my baby and me.
You can see from afar that we click.
Why would I disguise this as a woman.
' t Makes no sense. I don't see why I still keep it to myself.
And who could have predicted that I could do something like that?
Look at my giant balloon swelling.
Roxie as a mother with a heavenly gaze.
Because I have a baby.
A cute baby.
Here is my baby and I.
How cute. The first time that one of the girls met kind is kicked.
I got it! Genius! We'll let Amos divorce you.
That way all the sympathy goes to you and not to him.
Then you're the abandoned mother-to-be,
and he's the bastard who made you left alone.
That child is mine! That child is mine!
Me and my baby, my baby and me.
Hear me shout: Hooray I word fat.
I can dance. I feel enormous.
Baby is also having fun and is shaping my belly and life again.
So make some room for my baby and me.
Watch me blossom and grow and thrive.
And at just the right time.
Me and my baby,
my cute baby,
my beautiful baby,
my cloud of a baby,
my blushing baby,
my sweet baby,
my cute baby,
endearing baby .
Here's my baby...
and me!!