Christian Daniel ahora que te vas

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Today I wake up with my soul in pieces
today I say goodbye without wanting to say goodbye
go slowly so as not to feel your steps
go in silence so as not to hear your voice
I don't deny you that I'm afraid
to face life without you
and now that you're leaving
take my whole life with you
I don't even know where you're going
but I understand that you will have to leave
and now that you are leaving
remember that love waits
and even if you don't come back again
I promise not to forget about you
how to forget about
I don't sleep, only your portrait accompanies me
and in the mornings I usually ask God to stop insisting on tearing you from my arms
I couldn't stand so much anymore pain
I don't deny that I feel afraid
of facing life without you
and now that you're leaving
take my whole life with you
I don't even know where you will go
but I understand that you will have to leave
and now that you are leaving
remember that love waits
and even if you never come back
I promise not forget about you
I know you are short of breath
and in minutes you are gone
the helplessness of losing you
is already eating my soul
yes © that you are short of breath
and in minutes you will leave me
I know that it is your last breath
since tomorrow you will not be here
and now that you you're going
take my whole life
I don't even know where you're going
but I understand that I will have to leave
and now that you're leaving
remember that love waits
and even if you don't come back
I promise not to forget about you
how to forget about you