Citizen Cain black rain webs

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(i) Black Rain
Death striking like lightning
Fear killing within
Life stealing, heads reeling
He can't understand this
That death has been intended
From the day you were born
To be trapped in a view of the world
A description and nothing more
Dreams of heaven and hell
He' choosing, confusing
What life meant to him
Still praying, God saving
He won't understand this
What does it mean when we die
And leave the world we know
When we dream we have died
We wake up to the soul
Death has been intended
From the day you were born
To be trapped by a view of the world
A description and nothing more
Than dreams of heaven and hell
We say nothing is real
We say it's all illusion
We say nothing is real
We say it's all in your eyes
We say nothing is real
We say it's all illusion
In your eyes the world you hold
A man-made mystery
There's no on high but will alone
To guide your destiny
Drink the water of you life
And let your soul flow free
Life is like a mirror who's image is found
Reflections in your eyes
A world spinning round
The artist and his mystery
Who paints for a time the dreams of his mind
Leaving behind him reflections of life
(ii) Webs
Little girl on a swing, up and down, in between
Spinning round, roundabout inside her machine
Does she die, does she live
Does she keep, does she give it all
On a swing, up and down, in a featherbed
Does she offer her, offer him, just a bit, anything
Retreat from the featherbed
Swinging up and down
Screaming, in and out
Spinning round and round
In her machine