Clannad coinleach ghlas an fhomhair

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Clannad 2
Green Straw An Autumn
[from gerard manning's list of clannad lyrics]
On the green straw of autumn
A star that I saw from me
Your feet were nice in shoes
's too nice for your travel version.
Your cheeks were the color of roses
'your curls were closely woven
Monuar without us ¡r marriage
Nor the board of a ship 'triall' un sabiha. They are the people of the high cocks
Making a place for my brown girl
He moved through the spain
Across the sea and its round paths< br/>I would press grass and desert
's and I would be on hand with my brown girlfriend.
Purchase of cows agreed'
Two whites and my brown girlfriend< br/>Hurry up and come the first one
Or we will pass over a wind-barra'nonn
That we will be separated from each other
Barr na crawh 's the swan from the wave
That will not be separated from each other
and it is only foolishness for you to think about it.
I sent a written letter
Yesterday my sweetheart and A sharp complaint
She sent to me again
That her heart was sitting in the center of my left. silk and birdsong
Isn't the sigh heavy
When I think of being parted from her.
He heard m/e Sunday
As a conversation took place between women
That she was taken to marry
A young man who is in the place.
My dear, take my advice
and this wise man, stay as you are
and I will not let you live
My dear dear, you are my dear.
[from larry keith ogle]
On the green stubble-fields of autumn
I saw you, my sweetheart.
Nice were your feet in shoes
And wonderful your nimble gait.
Your hair the color of roses
And your ringlets tightly plaited
Alas that we're not married
Or on board ship sailing away
The boys around here are
Laughing and getting bold
And the people of the high straw?
Are making?? of my brown girl
If the king of spain would
Go abroad with his assembled men
I would flatten grass and rank grass
And i would be with my brown girl
Buying cows at the fair
If I were? and my brown girl
Go and come first love
Until we go over to gaoth-berra
Until we separate from each other
The tops of the branches and the swan
From the waves?
That won't separate us
And it's only folly for you to put it??
I wrote a letter
To my sweetheart and a sharp complaint< br/>She sent it back to me
That her heart was inside me.
Compose the artsswannoble person ?
Finer than silk or bird feathers
Heavy is my sigh
When i think of being apart from her.
What i heard on sunday
As conversation among the women
That she was going to be married
To a young man from the place .
Sweetheart take my advice
And this autumn stay as you are
And don't tell anyone, my love,
That you are my love.