Coda Chroma indian summer

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Indian summer
Indian summer
Hailed from the dog star
You're the brightest on show
You're temporary
Making no promises
You don't belong here
I don't want you to go
They call you
You go against the ebb and the flow
My body was aching
Cold to the bone
I'd nearly forgotten just how low it could go
Then out of nowhere
Straight from a daydream
Your chance revival
Is a welcome forgery
They call you
You go against the ebb and the flow
You come on fast, why don't you go slow?
You go against the ebb and the flow
You come on fast, why don't you go slow?
Life is a one man game
You don't get another one
I believe it's a one track train
We're all riding on
Life is a one man game
You don't get another one
I believe it's a one track train
We're all riding on
Life is a one man game
You don't get another one
I believe it's a one track train
We're all riding on