Cryptik Howling soul garden

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Subliminal slaves breeding thoughts, reckless fury
Mind control feeding wounds rest the agony
Fuel spilling words, the abyss, the edge of man
Death and rebirth in blood
A New World Order, tombstone of humanity
A new Atlantis has risen, a child’s playground
Primeval rage prevails in obscurity
Rain ashes down the skies clouds daylight
Radiating haloes functions defined
Burning down the clustered over a lifetime
Ruin, tombstone of humanity
A new Atlantis has risen
1st Thou shalt maintain the populace under 500,000,000
2nd Thou shalt control breeding wisely
3rd Thou shalt speak the tongue of the New World
4th Thy purpose shall triumph over thy nature
5th Thou shalt observe a new world structure
6th Thy nation shall rule below the eye of the New World’s judges
7th Thou shalt avoid being useless
8th Thy duty precedes thy rights
9th Acclaim perfection & harmony in ignorance
10th Be not a cancer
Blind in darkness, shaping shadows of the Soul, leaves into oblivion
Poison in sadness, hanging cancers on a rope, asking for deliverance
See in darkness, breathing pain’s devolution, pariah distort of truth
Cure in madness, taste a true enlightenment, glimpse through smoke
Bloodied celestial bodies, ashen wings hovers the heavens
Threatening knowledge down below, not leaking from above
Tuning light dark enough to sleep, dark enough to see
Bleeding thoughts, relentless fury
Mind feeding wounds
Fuel spilling words
Death and rebirth in blood