D-Flame sorry

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[Refrain x2]
Sorry, not interested in your story
Sorry, not interested in your story
Sorry, not interested in your story
go to a parking meter, it only costs two marks
[Verse 1: D-Flame]
Where you come from and who you are
I don't care at all, even if G is dangerous
Your stupid nonsense really annoys me< br/>you're making out like a pimp who has ten things running
but your eyes reveal inner data
I can still see them chasing you from garden to garden
your streets were for little bunnies
common damage, that's why there were no questions
it was now time to have a car alone
so you became a soldier
took the step across the lake
then became really strong
>even though the whole neighborhood is still laughing
the boss is simply made in another city.
It's time for someone to interrupt you
it doesn't make sense if you continue to talk
I'll tell you the truth to your face
Unfortunately I'm not interested in your stories.
[Eissfeldt 65]
I'm not in the mood to babble, really true man
am no barman, I don't have a wool sweater
and no long hair either, man fat man
Sorry, not interested in your story
go to a parking meter, it only costs two marks.
[Refrain x2]
/>[Verse 2: D-Flame]
Dude, save your nonsense
because I'm not in the mood for it
and don't you dare ask my opinion
I'm telling you the truth straight in your face
the flow is missing in your lyrics and
the bass is missing in your beats even if
a few of your stories are in the charts
it is Clearly they are made up like Mark Twain's
Besides, it is irrelevant whether you suffer either
You fight or you avoid a world that is full of envy.
You will lose as we expand
and the other side will collect the big checks
our downfall will not happen because we
march like soldiers over fat tracks.
[Eissfeldt 65]
I don't feel like babbling, really, man
I'm not a barman, I don't have a wool sweater
and I don't have long hair either, man fat man
Sorry, I'm not interested in your story
Go to someone Parking meter only costs two marks I don't feel like it
I turn around and forego a kiss
You'd better stay alone with your frustration anyway
Don't give me all of it MA¤nner Are Stupid nonsense
If you're someone who looks at my banknotes
There's no enjoyment for someone without cash
That's why it's clear why you keep crying
You want to be like everyone else Snail diamond necklaces
would you save me
if I had nothing at all
the nice silhouette is just one facet
and there is a whole range of them.
[ Hook]
[Refrain x2]