Daddy Yankee corazones

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He says...
Here is a heart ah...
What are you made of...
If looks could kill everyone… time would wear a gavana
a priest will accompany me following me in a caravan
If it were for my enemies at the table they would bring me a vivaria
of meat and vinegar to drink
They would crucify me in a crude act homicidal
But they are wrong, my God raises me up with health and life...
If it were up to the government, rappers would not exist.
They would throw us in the dungeon and give us the death penalty.
br/>There is the one who tramples and the one who helps the human being,
there is the good friend who is loyal like a brother.
Blood weighs more than water but measure it well,
there is dirty blood look at Cain and Abel
Because there are hearts with EN-VI-DAY
Hearts with ANGER
Hearts with FURY
Situations of millions of hearts< br/>With FEAR
Warrior Hearts
I am from the capital of crime and a spirit is perceived in the air< br/>of death that devours what lives. If it were up to me I would bring together
all the villages proposing a truce in the name of those
who have left (FEARLESS!)
I My people would say, I am the only one here who is brave and asks them not to spill innocent blood, to settle like men, and not to fail each other, but I know that it is a lost dream like see the 3 parties united fighting for the good of Puerto Rico.
They don't see that education in the residential complexes is mediocre, they need
more teachers, they need materials, to create more leaders
and fewer criminals ( There are hearts there with personal problems) The act would have to kill me
I would take him down from the cross while he was dying but he had to die to
save the world.
Because there are hearts with EN-VI -DAY
Hearts with ANGER
Hearts with FURY
Situations of millions of hearts
Hearts of GUE-REROS
In the world there are hearts that believe they are wise in their own opinion,
but their end is due because they walk on paths of perdition. There are hearts that do not
forgive their brothers but you know that God will not forgive them
for their sins. There are hearts that help without asking for anything in return and because of their nobility they find progress daily. There are treacherous hearts that like to deceive sincere hearts, but a second is worth more than the money of the entire world. And there is that evil heart that torments us like fallen angels but there is a more powerful heart that protects us than ever and never will be defeated and whoever seeks it and finds it forever will be blessed.
Take refuge in health and life.
Situations of millions of hearts..