Dangerous! movers n shakers

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So this ones for the movers and the shakers
Not the stone cold money makers
Or the air heads with the cool blue skin
They got it all on the dance floor
Raise my glass to you
To the movers n shakers baby yeah
Cause i know what you goin' through
Yeah i been there too
Ya try to make the world spin the other way
the fucking artist, I'm not a slave
Sweat and blood yeah we gotta get payed
and there's still no god damn
Raise my glass to you
To the movers n shakers baby yeah
Cause i know what you goin' through
Yeah i been there too
Raise my glass to you, the movers n shakers
I raise my glass to you, Alright
And now were outta control
You can't stop us now
And now were outta control
You can't stop us now we're spinning the world
I raise my glass to you
To the movers n shakers baby yeah
Cause i know what you goin' through
Yeah i been there too
Cause i know what you goin' through
Yeah i been there too
Cause i know what you goin' through
Yeah i been there too