Dawn of Azazel controlled burn

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Endless toiling hands leathery and blistered by fire
Infinite riches and opulence piled upon the pyre
Goad the greedy coals, pour plentiful propellant
Head held high step forwards and embrace my immolation
Pyromaniacal rage erupting through my skin
Unrelenting energy destroying all that lives
Fuming in anger, bursting into flame
And all that is beautiful sucked into its vacuum
Suffocating in the fields of fire
Black smoke smothers all feelings and desire
Flames lick away all moisture as I labour and perspire
In ecstasy ablaze, fan the flames higher
Endless toiling hands strike on through heat and the dark
Where the only illumination is the flicker of the sparks
With fury, anger, rage and unflappable discipline
Hammer with an intensity that melts flesh, bone and iron
Open wounds and lesions harden and cauterized
Tempered in the crucible of weaknesses demise
Compounded and combusted, seared and sealed by the kiln
Step into the ashes and look upon my riches
Entranced and hypnotized watching the embers glow
All that was once thought majestic blackened in the inferno
Left upon fertile soil black as pitch ready for pyriscence
These fallow fields free of weeds await the serotinous seeds to take root
Promethean disciple, son of the morning star
Let it burn on and on
Charcoaled skin ablister, bones broiling and blackened in the hearth
Let it burn on and on
No salve to stem the bleeding, no deity to hear your pleading
There is no refuge from this endless burning fracas
Charred by fire and flame, magma flowing through my veins
Spark its tinder, ignite this cinder, beauty is in the eye of he who smolders