Dødsengel intrare! entrance a trail i leave through the nine

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... beyond the plains of Malkuth.
Beyond the Seven below,
into the Triangle, the upper Sefiras.
Facing east, I cross Binah.
And by witness, Beelzebub adheres to my Core,
like the Seven energies afore!
Bent and burned is one gate to Keter,
and with vision and power Chokma is absorbed,
and Lucifuge surges through me!
Setting ablaze the final gate,
the Nine Nefarious are within me,
as the energy of the Crown reaches into my core,
into my flesh.
Our Core, as One, as crowned.
Satan, sprung out like a burning rose in me.
The Black Flame.
Journey beyond Jesus and all Messiahs.
No YHVH in this world.
Behind they break.
Kliffotic wake.
Daat reveiled!
Supreme sapiency!