Dead Fish compra

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Today I woke up with the desire to buy
Because yesterday on TV I saw people asking
Because I don't know anything
But in reality I pretend I don't even know
Because when I'm distressed I know what I'm going to do
Buy! buy, my children won't understand
Advertising and marketing will be
Your choice won't teach anything
There would be no point in asking or appealing for distribution here
These people look at me and deep down
They want to be equal me
Why feel sorry if I have everything
That they want to have
Deep down I know I'm wrong
But I continue to propagate the power of showing off
It will be Do you know how much it costs
Your eagerness to buy?
So unhappy you will be with everything that money can demarcate
Blind consumerist sect without knowing
Will material goods complete you
I'm not going to distribute it, I don't want to know
Distribution? No
Distribution? No, no, no