Delfins a queda de um anjo

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The Way to Happiness
The Fall of an Angel
Testimonies of the truth
so much so that they go from hand to hand
that they are lost with age
Because no one is born taught
And what I learned is already wrong
I don't believe in my past
The fall of an angel
on top of a Man
who, upon gaining age
loses reason
and yesterday they read gospels
today the law is the constitution
but no one gives me advice
I never liked the majority
organizing my day to day
I don't believe in democracy
The fall of an angel
on top of a Man
who, upon gaining age
loses his reason
A All angels
of all sexes
grasp your wings
as you fall to the ground
To all angels
of all sexes
To all men
grasp the wings
as you fall to the ground