Derelict Earth the graveyard of dreams

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Slowly awakening from a dismal slumber
Devoid of any oneiric cogitation
Desponding comatose, sad vacuous miscreation
Trapped in a bleak world precluding thoughts to wander
All deceiving freedoms of thoughts have now vanished,
Battered by countless years of social patterning.
My attributes erased, I am archetyped,
As a faceless clone who hopes for nothing...
Forcefed the deceiving thought of self-importance
Yet daily debased by otiose hierarchic filth,
In a reality reflecting my impotence,
I roam bereaved in search for some spiritual wealth.
After sequent decades of constant decline,
My sense of purpose bequeathed me only sadness,
As I no longer expect another sunshine,
To salvage me from an ineluctable madness.
I mourn for the burial of my dreams,
Collateral victims of this archaic way of thinking.
Deep down in my heart I felt the screams,
Cacophonic eruption of a resigned suffering,
Kept in a decorous excruciating mutism,
Through the epiphanic demise of escapism.
The stargazer died inside of me.
My imagination obscured by the daily routine,
Noetic thoughts preventing it to be,
This forsaken phantasmagoric world is left in ruin.
Days after days my flame is endlessly dimming
Only its extinction will end this suffering.
Will the darkness obscuring my life clear away,
Knowing no meaning is anywhere to be found ?
Whichever path we will follow our fate is bound
To start out and end in the identical way.
Whichever monument one can erect shall fall ...
Ultimately the void will engulf us all ...
The graveyard of dreams is filling everyday
With corpses from childhood memories in decay.
Despondently gazing down I forsook all hope,
Compelled to rise up and act falsely dignified,
To join up with the drones and learn how to cope
With a sickening truth: the child in me has died...