Descend mask of demise

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Waving hands in the dark won't help
Words are pouring out like liquid
Caressing your ear
Reinforced youth
Shreds from a face lost in time
Tempted by the possibility of breaking the borders
To bend frames a little further than
You could ever imagine
Have you ever wished sincerely enough
That you would step out in the blue to
fall down steeply and never come back?
To see the morning again see the grief in their eyes
You stagger blindly in the dark
You rejected the bliss
And so you found a new way of dying
Take care of yourself
Be happy for what you have
Don't bother, don't bother
Let it be and cool down
Your world is spinning
It�s nauseating
What the mirror shows
Is obnoxious
Everything is built
On one fake foundation
Isn't it time to cleanse the world
From what we have established
Isn't it time to purify
The world from all of its guilt
Molded faces carrying no expression
Faces of stone
Stone faces
Take of your mask
Show me your real face
Your real face
One among the many
Take of your mask
Are you scarred?
Are you scared to show me your ugly face?
Using only the grayscale
You painted the sky
With an extra touch of your finest: the bitterness
It's time
The time has come for rejoice
It's time to get off the train
One's mind is clouded
Step off your cloud
And elaborate
Look in the mirror that reflects your disgust
It's time