Die Aerzte 12 lovesong

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I know you'll miss me
Even if you have to go now
No more violins when we kiss
I just didn't know
I hope my words make sense Don't it get any worse
Just forget your pride for once
I know you still love me
Is that supposed to be it? (like in the love song)
Can't we think of a solution? (like in a love song)
The possibility is far too small (for a love song)
But I only love you alone
A lot of things have become a habit
But that is always the danger
Routine took its place
Until it was unbearable any more
I hope my words...
Love, Love, Love etc.
I know you'll miss me
I miss you already
I miss the violins too, miss kissing you
Nothing in this world that replaces you
I hope mine Words...