Die Aerzte wie es geht

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I look at you and you are indescribably beautiful
I could sit here forever and just look at you
But suddenly you get up and you want to leave
Please don't leave yet. I know it's already late
I want to tell you something else, I just don't know how to do it
Stay here for a while and don't look at me like that
Because otherwise I definitely will I can't say anything at all
I don't know what's going on, my knees are getting weak
It looks so easy in the movie, now I'm white as a sheet
I don't know what to say ... My God, you're leaving now
Please don't leave yet. Stay here a little longer
I still have something to tell you, I'm just at a loss for words
Please don't leave yet, I know, it's already late
I still want to tell you something, I know just not how to do it
How to do it
I always thought it would be easy
I always thought it wasn't a problem
Now I'm sitting here like a rabbit in front of the Snake
And I feel paralyzed
I have to say it, I just don't know how yet
I have to tell you, now or never
Please don't go yet. It's best if you never leave
I've told you so many times in my imagination
Stay here a little longer. Please don't leave yet
What I'm trying to tell you is: I love you
I don't know how to do it
How to do it