Domains through infernal damnation

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My bones yearned for this dark place
another prey for the serene majesty
I come to give you death
crossing my ultimate frontier
Is this your day of damnation?
where time has stopped
on the place with no name
cold hands ... rule firmly the night and day
In delirium, thou recognize my eyes
seeking reflection that brings you peace
find the difference, abysmal distance
the vision is crystal clear
Cruelty ... blood emanates
your arteries are tormented
pain grows indescribable
present exiles in secrecy
My hand firmly strangles
perish in the havoc of your flesh
from impenetrable darkness comes
and to thee it leads
Cries and human blood ... shed before me
diluted through the night
trapped on the horizon that I left behind
they don't move me nor blur my vision
my eyes and flesh ceased to be of a slave
Through infernal damnation