Dominique A l echo

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What do I hear all this noise,
This din
What do I hear all this noise
Night and day
Just at this moment the noise is redoubled
Right now
Or I'm talking about it a noise more
Louder than anything
It's happening
It's a one too many
A clap of thunder
Which goes around the mountains
It's a noise that reaches our ears
It's the echo
The echo that resumes
The echo that defends
To forget what is happening
Even if it happens far away
The slightest noise reaches us
I would recognize,
Night and day
These noises as if coming from the end of the world
Noises which pass through which abound
Day and night
It is still the echo
Who creates the echo
Who each time finds a place
In the air for the slightest noise
Before it dies
Before we forget
L 'echo that responds
To counter (kill?) stubborn forgetting
He hopes to infinity
To one day suspend all noise
To the infinite