Don Ray Band full throttle

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Yeah alright yeah
I was born a .. boy
No jingle in my jeans
So I will be in the fast lanes
Since I was in my teens
There was no silver spoon
To help me on my way
So I took my leap of faith
Full throttle I hit the ground running
Full throttle ain’t waiting on nothing
My spirit is alive and I live my life full throttle
Living life ain’t nothing
If you ain’t living free
That is right
I never .. going on a .. with destiny
For some life is a journey
For me is a grace
Is all about the wind in my face
Full throttle I hit the ground running
Full throttle ain’t waiting on nothing
My spirit is alive and I live my life full throttle
For some life is a journey
For me is a grace
Is all about the wind in my face
Full throttle I hit the ground running
Full throttle ain’t waiting on nothing
My spirit is alive
My spirit is alive
My spirit is alive
and I live my life full throttle
full throttle full throttle full throttle
get on your heart and ride
full throttle full throttle full throttle
what are you waiting for
don’t be waiting on nothing