Dreams in the Witch House feat. Bruce Kulick nothing i can do

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ELWOOD: Then it vanished into the wall. Mazurewicz said thecreature was Brown Jenkin, the Witch's familiar. Can
such things be, Father?
FATHER IWANICKI: The Devil assumes many shapes, my son.
ELWOOD: Walter wasn't there. We found bloody footprints on
the floor, but they stopped halfway across the room. It
was as if he vanished before reaching the door! Was it
witchcraft? The Devil? Where could he have gone?
GILMAN: Blistering, brilliantly
Glittering, gorgeously
Minarets and pinnacles, as far as eyes can see
High above, sky aflame
Vibrant hues, none the same
Far below, a city glows beyond the balustrade
Is this just a dream?
In terror, I scream
God on high
Hear my cry
Nothing I can do will cleanse my soul anew
Nothing I can say can keep the truth at bay
Breaking down from my despair
Rising up I say a prayer
Where is God and does he care?
WITCH: Menacing minstrelsy
Swelling up rhythmically
From below, an overflow of piping symphonies
Maddening melodies
Rapturous rhapsodies
You took a vow, before you now
Three cosmic entities
BROWN JENKIN: This is more than dream
Nothing's what it seems
Faith's a lie
Fate draws nigh!
WITCH + BROWN JENKIN: Nothing you can do
will cleanse your soul anew
Nothing you can say can keep the truth at bay
ELWOOD: Empty room, where did he go?
MAZUREWICZ: Through these walls the Witch Light glows
DESROCHERS: House of sorrow, house of woe
GILMAN: Nothing I can do will cleanse my soul anew
WITCH + BROWN JENKIN: Nothing you can say can keep the truth at bay
ALL: Revelations he defends
WITCH + BROWN JENKIN: Science proves
ELWOOD + MAZUREWICZ + DESROCHERS: While faith condemns
BROWN JENKIN + WITCH: In the end we all descend
ELWOOD: The evil had engulfed him, Father. And I felt it was going to consume me as well. Walter went too far
down the path. I want to turn back, but I'm afraid it
might already be too late for me.
FATHER IWANICKI: It's never too late to
turn back to God, my son.
ELWOOD: I want to believe that.
ELWOOD: Nothing I can do, that's why I turned to you
Nothing I can say, has faith led me astray?
In his quest to comprehend, mighty God did he offend?
Walter was my faithful friend.


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