Edith Piaf les marins ca fait des voyages

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He only told me I love you
And those words count all the same
We loved each other for eight full days
Then he told me one fine morning
Here I am going, don't have too much trouble
I am a sailor, you need to understand
Sailors... We take trips
We never stay for long
We leave happy and come back happy
Sometimes of course there are shipwrecks
But the returns are is all pleasure
And our loves cannot die
We know that we are leaving again, we don't have the heart
To hurt one's happiness
Must don't cry, have courage
The sea is beautiful and then tell yourself
That neither you nor I can do anything about it
And that's what sailors have to do trip
I saw him leave on his ship
He gave me a beautiful smile from afar
And suddenly I didn't see him anymore
And then the boat disappeared
The sea sang in a cuddly voice
We talked like friends
The sailors took trips
It never stays for very long
If he comes back happy he leaves happy
To love them takes courage
But returns are all pleasure
And their loves cannot die
Here he is leaving, my poor happiness
Over the sea sails my heart
But here I am thinking that there are shipwrecks
Be good the sea does not keep it
If you want we will share
Like sailors it must travel
I waited for it for weeks
And then now it's no longer worth it
He had his friends tell me
That he wouldn't come back to it anymore
He had given me a gift of ring
I threw it into the hollow of the waves
Sailors have taken trips
We hope for them for a long time
Y some come back from time to time
Others have their hearts broken in the process
There's no more coming back, there's more pleasure
There's no more love there's nothing left but to die
The one I loved won't come back
And then when he comes back he'll do it again
Because sailors have to travel
Ã*a always runs towards other happiness
And that leaves us with our heart
Our faded heart for all sharing