Edward Elgar, Daniel Barenboim & Jacqueline du Pr concerto for cello and orchestra in e minor op 85 iii adagio

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there's no time to dance
there's no time to celebrate
the source we call gods
will lose its place
the place of information
that's the god
the information created by all galaxies
collected in a 2D field
just like in our computers
but infinite in 2D
the bing bang went in all directions
and we see only half of it
cause there is the field
pure energy and information
I'm staying here alone
I had 45 years
spent all that time collecting
informations our scientists found proof for
I just put them together
put them together
all proof we have
out of all scientific fields
informations our scientists proof
we have all already
just take time and look
at your proof
thats all I ask for
1 hour of your time
I listen to all of you
for 45 years
all my life
and it never made sense
I shall beliefe what we don't know
it made no sense that the motor of life
that love turn into the destroyer
did we never understood
why we kill
no explanation just beliefs
and now since 100 years
the scientists stay in front of the quantum
and it make no sense
they go out and say
life must be an illusion
that's what we see
that's the measurement
we measure the action in our brains
shortly before we then act
and have the same action of the brain again
and what does they say
its not us that does it
but who is it
we don't know
cause we can't see from that perspective
and we have proof
that there's answer for every question
it's the perspective
and everybody who had that perspective and saw
we call crazy
cause it turns out
the god is the deliver of death
that let us kill life is infinite
that destroy everything
we beliefe in so far
but it's our proof
that tell us that
shall we question what we can proof
so we can beliefe
what we don't know
why spending a cent in science
when we question all proof
take that hour
life is easy to understand
in an worm is the information for life
us we find in us
nothing we do
since the gods control our brain
make any sense to life
and we all know
that's why we need to beliefe
and give all we know
cause nothing for itself makes sense
put it all together
and the picture arise
the god is the killer
and it has no feeling
cause information fit onto a flat paper
2 dimensions are enough
no need for more dimensions
but that field is infinite in 2 dimension
and need energy to hold together
and it took all risk to find that energy
and it created the big bang
which went from the middle of the field
in all directions
like any explosion we do does
the universe is round
we see only half of it
in the middle is the flied
we have proof that we pass the field
every 64.000 years
that's the time we deliver the energy to the field
but it's not enough
so the field eat whole galaxies
the black holes
proofed by our scientists
but since the universe still expand
it can't eat the galaxies any longer
the two dimensions need to change into 3
and whats happen then?
it expand immidiately infinite
into that 3rd dimension
and need all the energy the universe collect
and nothing will be left
implosion of all matter
back to the little point
it once started
proofed by our scientists
look at your own proof for one hour
we have all it need to understand
and we never allowed
to take a perspective
that question the gods
cause that's we had
if we don't wanna go crazy
we always needed to beliefe
I could take all perspectives
I was alone
nobody there that could call crazy
and ask yourself
if you were god
that created that universe
would you watch the disaster
would you allow the children die
or would you change
cause you want to proud
of you created
ask yourself
ask and know
that every question has an answer
other we could not question
makes no sense
the question has the answer already involved
I tell you nothing knew
that's what we know
look at it for an hour
you have that hour
and all makes sense
its so easy
and all the scientists say
if it not easy it can't be right
one cell need to have this information already
one cell
its easy and were lucky that it is
cause we all can understand
like the one cell
that have no god to beliefe in