Elisabeth Soundtrack niets niets echt niets

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Elisabeth Soundtrack
Nothing, Nothing, Really Nothing
How I would love to be you.
In a straitjacket not in a corset.
They only tie up your body,
my soul is bound.
I fought
and dared everything.
And what have I achieved?
Nothing, nothing. Really nothing!
And the only answer,
seems to be madness.
And the only salvation,
is the fall.
How the abyss lures me.
it Dearest, I let myself fall now.
Why do I dread the leap?
If only I wasn't destined to be
Then I was like Titania.
who only smiles when people say:
She's crazy.
I'm dancing on a tightrope
and the fear makes me sick,< br/>because I look down.
then I see,
Nothing, nothing, really nothing!
I continue groping
with a searching step
and become more and more afraid of nothing, nothing, really nothing! Madness would probably only set me free. But I lack the courage for madness.
I don't let myself be known
and I just keep myself big.
As if my life contained more
than lies,
and pain.
As if it were nothing. nothing, ècht nothing