Emily Plazek blackout

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This is my stop, and I watch you drive off
Slowest motioning in my mind
And I can’t move, no, I can’t talk
I’m just watching you, you drive off
And I thought,
“I have you tonight
but I don’t know about next,
All I know now, your neck and your breath”
And I thought,
“I know nothing else than this thumping to your pulse
I have you in my arms,
I have you tonight”
And oh my god, what if I lost every memory of last night
And I blackout and when I’m coming down
I can’t recall your face
And you’re gone
And I thought,
“I have you tonight
but I don’t know about next,
All I know now, your neck and your breath”
And I thought,
“I know nothing else than this thumping to your pulse
I have you in my arms,
I have you tonight”
((Piano Solo))
And I thought,
“I know nothing else than this”
And I thought,
“I have you tonight
but I don’t know about next,
All I know now, your neck and your breath”
And I thought,
And I thought,
And I thought.