Entombed wolf tickets

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Listen it's still parted
This doesn't match the price I pay
What you end up saying
Is what you swore you'd never say
Well, I like you like you like me
I pass out wolf tickets
Nothing's left and nothing's right
Looks as dark as can be
Maybe I'm as weird to you
As you are to me
Well, I like you like you like me
I pass out wolf tickets
I'll be as blunt as I can be
Stay away from me
There are more people alive today
Than have ever died
Now, if this is true
And if you believe in reincarnation
It means there are a lot of people
Around without souls
Doesn't that make sense?
I've met some of them
Haven't you?
We're all just humans down here
Big or small
But some can be so full of
Nothing at all
Well, I like you like you like me
I pass out wolf tickets
I'll be as blunt as I can be
Stay away from me