Eros Ramazzotti amore contro

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I know that now you will be surprised
Only yesterday I was what you know
To those who hit me hard
I responded with more than one blow
Today perhaps I would aim at them
Love against
I never want to judge
Who can say what evil is
But in the face of every challenge
That one encounters in life
With the I would face love
At least I would try
Love against those who will betray him
Love against stupidity
To respond like this by believing in it all the way
Love against
The worst in the world
I don't know if it can work
I wouldn't swear to this
But if there is no other way then there isn't any
What can be done
If you cannot always remain silent
It takes a while to say what you think
To shout in the face of hatred
Since when you're on your side, we need
Necessarily love, you know
And today more than ever
Love against those who will betray him
Together against aggression 
Defending yourself like this ¬ at the cost of remaining
Alone against
The rest of the world
Love against those who don't know they can liberate
Love within
In every sense for you