Ever Circling Wolves these are ashes these are roots

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Of filth born, into a world of filth,
A king without a throne.
We crawl before you in awe,
You, vermin born to rule us all.
Sickly limbs, filthy claws, my liege,
You are terror in the flesh.
Your promises of bliss are lies.
You feed upon our hopelessness.
And when the light of life is gone,
You welcome us into your maw.
I tremble in the presence of
The scum that has ensnared our minds.
The relics of a time gone by,
What we should have left behind,
Hang like a shadow, blot out the sun,
They've cursed this world, yet they go on.
Untold prophets, spewing nonsense,
Seem to herald end of all.
It's upon us, Rat Man rising
Shapes the world into
A mockery of what we have evolved to.
Rat man rising!