Fernando Delgadillo del libro de los dias

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Fernando Delgadillo
From the Book of Days
Dreams are foam from the sea
And you have to put on your cape as the wind comes
Talent works , genius creates
Never return to the place where your old joys
Concord nourishes, discord consumes us
No man is better than his conversation
A gentle response is the cure for anger
Never answer the question that has not been asked
If the mood is inclined, it is the old people who slip
Tell your sorrows to yourself, your joys to the world
Put things in their place and they will give you yours
Happiness depends a lot on movement
Study the power of silence
Crown of good will is humility
The wound that is caused by the tongue is incurable
The best deal is always to end up happy
And the truth that hurts is better than a lie that makes you happy
A word said in due time
It's like a golden apple on a silver tray
A hug upon meeting is better than when saying goodbye
And the vice in which you relapse is never so small
You think about the exit before entering
And how much of being happy consists in giving
If unfortunately you have to beg
Knock only at the doors of the great houses
When the weapons are lists good sense is missing
The best companion in the face of adversity is a book
The end is the beginning in my song
Rumors are half lies
And the tongue of the wise It is in his heart
And the heart of the fool is in his tongue
I don't know if what I sing always happens
I learn it in my Book of Days
In This one I collapse and I get up
To know it there will still be life