Fettes Brot schwule mdchen

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Intro (Russian): Wnimanie damy i gospoda, cherez neskolko secund wyjdut na szenu gay girls, slabonervnyh, beremennyh i detej prosim udalitsa iz zala, ostalnym lech' na pol zaderzhat dyhanie!
Gay girls â Special Unit
Gay Girls - Combat Operations
Gay Girls - On Every Corner
Gay Girls - In Your City
Gay Girls< br/>We are gay girls
When three gay girls
walk through Hamburg
then people stand still for a moment
They look at us
wait what happens
until they know it's time for us to go crazy together
On remote paths
In rainy cities
After foggy parties
In trampled beds< br/>On damaged counters
On countless planets
In everyday life
Can you meet gay girls
Gay girls â Special Unit
Gay Girls - Combat Operations
Gay Girls - On Every Corner
Gay Girls - In Your City
Gay Girls< br/>We are gay girls
We are
Here w-w-something that was in need of the man
Gay girls propaganda
So'n Oberhammer
It even confuses city punks
Convince me of the opposite
We count to three
And you want to move with that?
Definitely good for your soul's salvation< br/>And by the way, we're going steep
in the neighborhood
What are we waiting for?
It's never too late
Guys, make some noise
for this Killer commando
that stands at the microphone
until the day awakens
So you'll be there when the beat starts?
When the beat... when the beat...
when the beat... when the beat starts
Gay girls - special unit
Gay girls - combat mission
Gay girls - on every corner< br/>Gay girls â In your city
Gay girls
We are gay girls
(Russian) Prigaj!
Special unit
Combat mission
Davaj davaj!
On every corner
In your city
Smelej, podnemite ruki vverh!
When three gay girls
walk through Hamburg
/>then people stand quietly for a moment
They look at us
wait what happens
until they know it's time for us to go crazy together
Gay girls â Special Unit
Gay Girls â Combat Operations
Gay Girls â On Every Corner
Gay Girls â In Your City
Gay Girls dchen
We are gay girls