Field Study stuff you break

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You are fine, oh so fine.
Perfectly alive, drunk, a little high
A nod towards the light.
And what is more / I’m a sucker for
What you represent, all new and intense
Where I’ve never been before.
Gotta stay intent / And vigilant
Gotta beat back / All the useless crap
All the useless cra – a –a – a- ap!
Filling up our heads,
And making a me – e – e – e - ess.
Stranger things / are happening
A hell of a lot stranger / a lot, lot stranger / then you and me.
A man has said / we’re set to invent
A life that lives forever in the blood built together
With the code’s consent.
Despite all the might / the tension coiled tight
Despite all the reasons we would fight.
I don’t surrender
Testosterone / All you think we would own.
Whom ever we’re war-ing on,
I don’t surrender.