Finsterforst schicksals end

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Play by the rules, your hour will come
Your efforts will soon be rewarded
But you were cheated like everyone else
Your sunny day was rainy
Now you are standing in front of the ruins of your life< br/>In despair you lower your gaze
Clench your fists and raise them towards the sky
Feeling betrayed and sold
Why did you believe them?
Just nodded and followed ?
Blindly entrusted with your life?
There is...
Nothing that towers over our worlds
Nothing that determines actions and actions here
No one who controls ours Destinies are controlled
Nothing worth dying for
Fear-soaked heart
Shrill prayer
Be finally...
Finally free!
For whom is this burden?
The stone rules?
The crippling humility?
The iron chains?
Why do you accept that you are determined?
When Do you stand up and stand up for yourself
And take your life into your own hands?
When will you realize it, there is no God
Nothing that towers over us
For that it's worth dying
No higher power
Which watches over us
It's now time, make the choice, decide!
Will you continue to be a slave or courageously look forward?
It's just your life, belongs to you alone
And no one has to say what should happen to it
Take what you want and don't look to the side
Because when it's over, then it's over
Can you still remember the times?
The confidence shone in the young eyes
The future belongs to you rt you, you were quite sure of that
What was left to you after years of waiting?
Look at the mirror
The lifeless eyes
The halting breath
Lost hope< br/>So frozen with fear that you can't even fold
Your hands in prayer
Broken and full of fear
An old man falls through the future
No more hope
Never really lived
Your time wasted to fate
There is still one breath left, dying eyes full of anger
Nothing waits for you, only death at fate's end